Thursday, August 23, 2012

Zombie, Run!

Just bought this app for the iPhone and I am totally addicted. It definitely motivates you during your run! While you are running you can still listen to your own music, but you also hear an immersive storyline about trying to get away from chasing zombies! When you get home you can organize the items you've collected on your run and continue build to your base. It really makes you want to run everyday to hear the next step in the story. And this is just the beginning! It costs $7.99 but if you're looking to spice up your run it's totally worth it. Check out at video at the link:

Zombies Run

New blog to come following my 9 mile run on Saturday!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Week Six - Staying Strong

I haven't missed a run yet. I've stopped short on only three runs and that was when I was running outside in the middle of July. Now my runs outside are a full 30 mins, with absolutely no walk breaks. I'm proud of that! Walks breaks are okay, especially according to Jeff Galloway, but I probably won't incorporate them into my short runs if I don't need them. I'm feeling a lot stronger!

My next long run is 7 miles and I don't even feel that intimidated. Of course I'll be running it on the treadmill, but longer runs outside will come as the weather cools down. But still, that's only half of a half mile! Just over a quarter of the way to a marathon! At this point that half marathon in November seems reachable, but I'm still pretty wary about the marathon. I talked to my roommate and she said the last ten miles is the most physical pain you will ever experience. But I guess if it were easy, everyone would do it.

I'm looking to buy a hydration belt as my longer runs approach but I'm not sure exactly what I want. Disney sponsors the iFitness belt so I've been looking at those. I definitely want a belt that will hold my phone and cards during the big race, but I probably won't need a lot of hydration on me since Disney has so many pit stops. Still deciding, but this is the one I am considering.

Hydration Belt

I've also been looking for new running shoes, since I think my Nikes are technically for walking. (They are my old work shoes.) But so far they have done me well so maybe changing it up is not the best idea, especially since new running shoes are so expensive! And there's so many to choose from! I just can't decide yet.

Soon they will announce Mickey's new marathon medal! And since it will be my first I am pretty excited to see it! I better own that thing one day.

Competition begins in: 158 days
Last run: 3.6 miles (yesterday)
Average speed: 11.08 mins/mile
Track of the day: Stronger by Kelly Clarkson